
Sunday, January 20, 2013

WAR WITCH (2012)

Kim Nguyen

Kim Nguyen

Rachael Mwanza
Serge Kanyinda
Ralph Prosper and others

War Witch is a brutal and saddening tale of a young 12 year old who is forced to go to war against the government by joining the rebel forces. It is a touching story because the main character Komona is telling her story for struggle over two years to her unborn child.

With this being said War Witch promises to be great but ends up somewhere in the middle ground. Rachael Mwanza is very good as Komona but the movie somehow didn't completely grip me. The parts in which she sees ghosts is tastefully done but other than that nothing in this movie kept me totally interested till the end. Still not a bad attempt but not Oscar nomination worthy according to me.

Pranit’s Rating: 6/10

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